Our Programs

Kindr Schools
We provide schools with the curriculum and grants needed to bring more kindness and emotional support to their kids. Anyone connected to a school can apply to join the Kindr Schools Union, a global network of education professionals, schools and districts dedicated to fostering a culture of kindness. Teachers can easily download the Kindr Toolkit created by educational psychology expert Dr. Doug Carnine for free, access support from our education coaches and even apply for money to fund Kindr campaigns and to purchase equipment for classroom Kindr Corners.
In just 2 years, Kindr has reached over 700,000 students and awarded $2,000,000 in grants to 165 schools using Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Models (PBIS) and serving 70%+ BIPOC students, from low-income neighborhoods with multiple risk factors.
Learn MoreKindr Prisons

Kindr Communities
Kindr awards grants to social service organizations to provide facilitated group sessions using the program, Lasting Happiness: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults. Over 1,000 at-risk youth have participated in community programs to teach Mindful Kindness, meditation, and skills for reducing stress/anxiety and improving relationships. In one study, 99% of participants indicated that what they learned helped them to improve their lives.
At-risk youth are especially vulnerable to dropping out of school or becoming involved with the criminal legal system. The Kindr Communities programming offers the Lasting Happiness curriculum through juvenile justice initiatives, community organizations, and after school programming to provide vulnerable young people with the skills and knowledge to help them reduce stress and anxiety while building positive, healthy relationships.
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